What length should my avalanche probe be?

The length of an avalanche probe depends on various factors, including the depth of the snowpack in the areas where you plan to use it. Avalanche probes typically range in length from 240 centimeters (about 7.9 feet) to 320 centimeters (about 10.5 feet). The most common length for avalanche probes is around 240 to 300 centimeters.  We prefer a probe of 270 centimeters.

Avalanche Probe Length Matters

When choosing a probe, consider the typical snowpack depth in the regions where you will be skiing or snowboarding. It’s essential to have a probe long enough to reach the bottom of the snowpack in case of an avalanche. Keep in mind that deeper snowpacks may require longer probes.

Avalanche burial depths can range from just a few centimeters to several meters. Shallow avalanches might bury a person only partially, while larger avalanches in steep and mountainous terrain can bury individuals under several meters of snow.

It’s important to note that the depth of burial is just one factor to consider in avalanche safety. The critical aspects include the ability to quickly locate and extricate a buried individual. This is why carrying and knowing how to use essential avalanche safety equipment such as beacons, probes, and shovels is crucial for backcountry travelers. Avalanche education, awareness, and preparedness are key components of minimizing risks in avalanche-prone areas.

Additionally, it’s crucial to practice using your avalanche probe regularly to ensure you can efficiently deploy it when needed. Training and familiarity with your safety equipment are key components of backcountry travel in avalanche-prone areas.

Here are Savage Sledderz, we choose to utilize the avalanche products from Backcountry Access.  We like their usability and reliability in function.